
Tigheland Productions owner, Roy Tighe, is an award-winning filmmaker and editor. Your editor will make an assembly edit, where they will usually present to the director and producers of the project. From there, notes are made and the next editing pass commences. We make every effort to apply our knowledge and experience to provide the … Continued

Sound Design & Effects

We’ll create a variety of audio elements for the specific needs of any given client project. By designating, acquiring or producing sound tracks, we’re able to enhance what’s recorded in production to create richer, balanced audio tracks. Although our on-set sound technicians may also serve as the project sound designer, several of our staff, crew … Continued


Color brings your footage to life. The difference between raw footage and color-processed footage is stark. Our post-production specialists may adjust color levels, tones, warmth and contrast to imbue any mood, feel or essence the project seeks to establish. Our staff can even show you processed vs. raw, unprocessed footage side-to-side.

Titles & Graphics

Depending on your project scope, you may wish to incorporate titles, credits or additional graphics. Naturally, not all projects will require credits or titles, but we have experienced graphic designers available, upon request. We’ll ensure that all fonts used for titles or credits has the approved licensing and for usage within the project’s scope of … Continued

IMDB Updates

Upon completion, we update your project’s IMDB page.

Distribution Prep

Congratulations, your project is ready to be shown to the world. Upon final delivery, your completed product is ready for publication and/or distribution! The next step is securing a sales agent or finding distribution. Depending on your needs, Tigheland Productions may provide contacts and/or consultation to jump-start the initial steps for distributing your film, television … Continued

IMDB Credits

Crediting work via IMDB improves web presence. Who doesn’t like being crediting for their hard work? Our team creates an IMDB page for the project and assigns the proper credits for everyone involved, cast & crew to establish a web-based footprint. By posting your project to IMDB, the link may be referenced later in a … Continued